Monday, August 10, 2009

Met The Man -

We're back in Salt Lake City......Faith, Maddux, and me. Thanks to Chad and Adrienne for letting the little guy go with me. He takes care of me in more ways than one.

The weekend was not what I had hoped for. Oh, the birthday party was marvelous and so was all the company, but I just didn't recover this weekend like I have in the past. To paraphrase a's the chemo, stupid.

So another round of chemo today and another dose of radiation and actually I don't feel too bad. The anti-nausea drug they give me in my IV before the chemo drug must be pretty good stuff. I need to find some more of that.

The highlight of the day came in the middle of my chemo treatment. I was alone in the overflow room when in walked Jon Huntsman and Mark Koebel (sp). No, not the governor, but the main man, Mr. Jon Huntsman, Sr., he who built the Huntsman Cancer Center. I told him it was a great place, but that I was sorry I was there. Mark, anchor for Channel 2, was there with a camera crew. Our meeting was brief, but memorable. Mr. Huntsman asked me what kind of cancer I had and then said, "We do great things here. You're going to be alright." I thanked him and said I'd hold him to that.

I continue to receive cards and phone calls and I just can't express how meaningful they are. Thank you to everyone for all of our support......spoken and unspoken. I have so many people to thank that I hesitate to single anyone out, but the story is worth sharing. Every Monday evening in Salt Lake City, I get mail. It follows a long day, a day of leaving Green River at 7 AM, being strapped to the juice chair at 10, heading cross town to radiation about 3 PM and getting to my in-laws about 4. Mail call is at 5, and every Monday I get a greeting card wishing me well. I know there is a very special place in heaven for people like Bob Spicer.

If you're counting, this is number five and I'm going strong. My white blood cell count has actually gone UP. That got their attention! It looks like I've got the green light for the sixth and final treatment in a week. Radiation will take a little longer, but it seems to be working. The lump on my neck as shrunken to a fourth its original size. The care is good, but your prayers are awesomely powerful.

Next -

More on chemo from a layman with an up close experience.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Al,

    Debbie Dirst sent us the link to your blog ~ I don't know if you knew that we are traveling a similar path ~ Jeff, (Debbie's brother) was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last January. We can certainly relate to much (all) of what you are saying. Jeff has been through chemo, then a series of chemo/radiation, now back to just chemo for another 3 months. It seems as though this dreaded disease is everywhere and it is difficult to find someone who is not touched by it. It has certainly changed our lives. We wish you the best and will keep you in our prayers as we know God is the great physician! If you are interested, we have a blog as well at - type in Jeff's name jefffrolander (all as one word). PS - tell Faith that I will be praying for her as well since I know too well what she is experiencing. If she would like to correspond with someone walking in her shoes, she is welcome to email me...

    Angel Frolander
