Saturday, August 15, 2009

I Would Have Made You Proud??????? -

I've ignored the blog for a few days because I just didn't feel up to writing anything. It was a tough week, just when I was hoping it wouldn't get any tougher.

Faith and I met with the head and neck cancer specialist on Wednesday. He was very upbeat about our progress and had lots of positive things to say about where our treatment is going. But he also said this appointment was mostly a pep talk to get me through the rest of the regiment. He emphasized how important it was not to miss any scheduled treatments and how it would get tough from here out. That was about 2 pm and I'm starting to think this guy is a clairvoyant.

By 4 pm I was on all fours in my in-laws back yard changing their beautiful lush green grass into a chunky tan color. Where's that doctor that said I wouldn't throw up?

That action continued into the evening and resumed the next morning. I did manage to get through a radiation treatment without redecorating the zap room, but it was a struggle. I saw a doctor following radiation and she decided I was dehydrated and lacking nutrition and that's what was causing my upset stomach. She suggested I be admitted for 24 to 48 hours to get my body "tuned up".

We went to the Huntsman Center for that, where a great nurse, Diane, took great care of me. They gave me two liters of sugar water to hydrate me and did some blood work to see what shape I was really in. The decision was not to admit me, I was a little low, but the hydration should work and I would be good to go. Again, the theory was the dehydration was causing my upset stomach.

Now the good part. After two hours of fluids through an IV, they say I can go. I walk out the front door of the Huntsman Center and before stepping off the curb, began to hurl. Most of it goes into a curbside garbage receptacle, but I'm sure it was a spectacle to witness......not that I was paying any attention.

I turned around, walked back inside and said that didn't work. Another call to the doctor who said I wouldn't vomit and he reports back to the nurse......"I think it's the chemo." Well, well, at least we are all back on the same page. I think I remember saying that two weeks ago in this blog.

With a flurry of medicines (it seems like they come continually) I been holding my own since Thursday afternoon. They keep telling me marijuana or opium is next and I keep telling them I don't have either. My last chemo is Monday and there will be a different anti nausea drug during the infusion. I really don't care what it is, just so it works better this time.

I did manage another radiation treatment Friday before coming home.

So here's the box score. Six chemos.......five to go.
Thirty rads.......24 down.......six to go.
And so far we haven't missed a one!

And eating through a feeding tube does have some advantages. No dishes to wash, no meals to prepare, you eat in front of the TV, and it only takes a minute.

Next.......who knows? -

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