Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Home Run! -

Today, on this national day of Thanksgiving, I have a lot to be thankful for. We heard from the Huntsman Cancer Center yesterday afternoon and they are saying we hit a home run! YES!!! We still have a formal meeting with the doctor to go over the scan results, but we were told they were very good. Apparently there are a couple of spots they want to watch, but nothing that requires anything more than watching.

The family has gathered for Thanksgiving and it's wonderful to have so many with which to share this great news. Today we give thanks to the skilled doctors and nurses that worked on us, thanks to the caring family and friends that stood by us, thanks for all the prayers given up on our behalf, and thanks to God for by the grace of God we've come though this.

So, as you gather around your Thanksgiving table today, where ever that may be, offer a prayer of thanksgiving for answered prayers. Your prayers have been powerful, and today will indeed be a very special Thanksgiving Day at the Harris household.


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