Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Tube is Gone -

I got my feeding tube removed yesterday.....a sure sign of improvement. It was a simple, painless procedure. And that's the good news.

What was not good was the rigor and anxiety they needlessly put me through. So this is for anyone whoever has a 'g' tube, or knows someone who does.

I made the appointment a week in advance and the earliest time I could get was noon at the hospital in Salt Lake City....something about the necessary personnel were not available before then. I inquired about the nature of this procedure and was told it would take about forty minutes. I was told I'd be given something that would block the pain and prevent me from remembering anything. I was instructed to fast for eight hours before the procedure and take in no fluids for four hours prior.

By the time I arrived at the hospital I was totally focused on the upcoming surgical prep, actual procedure, and recovery. I would like to tell you this stuff doesn't bother me, but it does. I don't think I'm overanxious, but I conscientiously work on anxiety control.

Upon arrival I was told to don a hospital gown, pajama bottoms, a robe and booties. I then waited another thirty minutes before being called back to a room where I expected to be prepped, including an IV.

The next sixty seconds were shocking. Someone, could have been a doctor, nurse, or aide, came in, asked me to stand up and show her my tube. With a pair of scissors she cut the tube (which I later learned also severed an internal string that was connected to something in my stomach that kept the tube in place) and pulled it out, like pulling a noodle out of a pile of spaghetti. She put a small gauze bandage on the hole (no stitches) and sent me on my way!

That was it! It took you longer to read about it. I could have done it myself at home. The doctor, nurse, or whoever did it, agreed. I asked about the fasting and the hospital gown and was told it was all just procedure. Not a problem, except four hours without water is troublesome for someone who can't produce saliva. Not a problem, except it was a day in Salt Lake I didn't need. No problem, except I spent a week thinking about another surgery.

Now this part is NOT a problem.....it was quick and painless. And just like that I'm no longer a pull toy....my string (tube) is gone!

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