Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Cure -

I know it's been some time since I made an entry, but I just haven't had much new to add. There has been speculation that it's because I haven't been feeling well, but that's not the case. I'm continuing to heal and feel better.

On a day-to-day basis I really sense no improvement, but if I think back to a week ago, I see definite progress. I'm nibbling at more food and not tiring as quickly. I've been into the radio station several times and even spent some most enjoyable time digging dandelions out of the station lawn. (It's amazing what activities can bring joy these days!)

We see the surgery oncologist a week from tomorrow. He's the one that removed the initial tumor. Hopefully, we'll learn if neck surgery is in our future. The lump has all but disappeared, so I'm hopeful the knife won't be necessary again.

I've had some time to reflect these past ten days, and would like to share some of those thoughts.

The treatment for cancer is nothing but barbaric! Simply put, they cut you, burn you, or pump poison into you until your body can't take any more. Then they send you home to recover.

We look back on the medical practices of a hundred years ago and see crude remedies and wonder "How could they do that do that to other human beings?" I hope in a hundred years, or even fifty years, society says the same about what we are doing today.

I hope, but I'm not confident. From what I see, cancer treatment hasn't changed in forty years. Despite all the money and research.....the treatment is the same cutting , burning and poisoning of forty years ago. I say this because my Dad went through this forty years ago and I thank God he and Mom are still with me today to share their journey and offer their support. I appreciate that the treatment is administered better and more efficiently, and hopefully with much less discomfort, but it's still the same basic remedy.

I'm not offering any conclusions or criticisms, just some observations. I do pray the days of barbaric therapy for cancer are numbered.....and my heart goes out to those who have had it much worse than me and to those yet to come down this cursed path.

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