Tuesday, March 8, 2011

No News is Good News

I continue with regular meetings k(every two months) with my doctors and continue to be told we are doing good. I just finished with the lead physician on our team and he's pleased, but tells me to be vigilant in monitoring my body and let him know immediately of any changes. I assured him I was intently intune with my physical being. Even things that are meaningless (like aches and pains) get extra attention. Not a pimple, blemish, cold sore, etc. goes unnoticed.

It's been 18 months since we concluded treatment. They won't say it's gone or if it's in remission or if we're good to go. No, that would be too much. My radiation oncologist did say she has never lost anyone who has made it this far. I concluded that was her indirect way of telling me we were good, even though they won't sign off till we are five years out. I told her I had no intention of scfrewing up her track record!

Looking back, it seems like all this was in a different life. Faith and I were talking about it the other night and agreed that it all seems so long, long ago. For me, much of it is a fog. I have always had a difficlut time remembering the details of bad things. Sometimes that's a good thing and sometimes it causes problems. In this case, I have Faith to provide all the details just in case something I've forgotten is important.

We continue to give thanks for our blessings and are always amazed at the concern expressed, still today, about our health. Life is good as we dance in a lot less rain.